Population Modelling is a course that is designed to help students learn theory and methods in mathematical and computational ecology. Collectively, these types quantitative approaches are central to the science of ecology for understanding, predicting, and making inferences about ecological patterns and processes. Both classic and contemporary topics will be covered, with an emphasis on using modern tools to analyze and present theory and data.
After taking this course as successful student should:
Dr. Christopher M. Moore
Email: cmmoore
Office: Olin 216
Office phone: 207-859-5746
Discussions: TR, 11:00 AM—12:15 PM, Miller 205
Labs: R, 1—4:00 PM, Davis 201
The first text is available digitally for free through the library. The second is available for free on the World Wide Web. You can find links to them on this site’s sidebar.
During the first class meeting we discussed and agreed upon a narrative model of grading for course assessment. This means that I will regularly meet with you and discuss and evaluate your learning in this course. I will meet with you every three weeks, beginning week 4 (weeks 4, 7, 12, finals). Here is the document I will add to, to prepare you for our meetings: link. At the end of the semester, I will need to assign you a grade, and we agreed upon a contract model. This means that so long as you make an honest attempt at your assignments you will earn an A. If you do not complete your Remodeling Project you will earn an B. At least 80% or each of the quizzes and problem sets need to be completed to earn an A, with 60% earning a B.
Syllabus statement prior to the semester:
During the first class we will discuss the model of assessment, which will either be narrative or quantified. The former will take the form of meeting regularly and discussing your progress towards learning; the latter will be a traditional point system. At the end of the course I do need to assign you a grade. If we decide upon the narrative model we will need to decide how that will be done.
Role will not be taken, but regular attendance is necessary for you to succeed in this course.
Students are often curious about how to address their professors. I am comfortable with Dr. Moore, Professor Moore, or Chris. What’s most important to me is that we create a culture of mutual respect in the classroom. As a sign of respect to you I will, by default, address you by your first name. Should you have preferred way of being addressed (Mx. last name, nickname, etc.), I encourage your to communicate that to me.
This success of the class (group) is contingent upon each student (individual) coming prepared and eager to engage with the course material and one another. Of course I will employ methods to muster enthusiasm and energy, but to be clear, this is a group effort. I ask that you do your best to come to class prepared by not only having read, but doing your best to understand to the extent that if called upon, you could recall the material from the reading in addition to stating your’s own analysis of the reading’s strengths, weaknesses, and higher-level analogies (e.g., relating concepts to other areas of basic and applied science).
The quality and the quantity of participation will be taken into account. That is, I fully encourage you to participate, but I’d like for a somewhat uniform distribution of substantive discussion. In addition, an egalitarian approach is encouraged to better facilitate exchange of ideas. Nobody is interested in group members dominating discussion. If you are one that tends to monopolize discussion, try to engage others, as this is—at least—as important as the matter at hand and is a skill that is greatly underrated and can really boost the level of discussion. If you are one that does not participate, please realize that your input is important to all of us! We are all intelligent and insightful, and engagement and input by all is how we will better understand the topic.
Overall, let’s just have fun learning, which is presumably why we are all here. Having a fun time playing ideological ping-pong (not dodge ball) with each other will only harbour growth and learning. Ecological theory can be abstract, conceptually challening, and a technical subject that lends itself greatly to creative and alternative views and approaches. In addition, ecological theory and modeling is a very applied topic, so I am certain that what we cover will touch upon each each of your scientific interests in some way.
Honesty, integrity, and personal responsibility are cornerstones of a Colby education and provide the foundation for scholarly inquiry, intellectual discourse, and an open and welcoming campus community. These values are articulated in the Colby Affirmation and are central to this course. You are expected to demonstrate academic honesty in all aspects of this course. If you are clear about course expectations, give credit to those whose work you rely on, and submit your best work, you are highly unlikely to commit an act of academic dishonesty.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: violating clearly stated rules for taking an exam or completing homework; plagiarism (including material from sources without a citation and quotation marks around any borrowed words); claiming another’s work or a modification of another’s work as one’s own; buying or attempting to buy papers or projects for a course; fabricating information or citations; knowingly assisting others in acts of academic dishonesty; misrepresentations to faculty within the context of a course; and submitting the same work, including an essay that you wrote, in more than one course without the permission of the instructors.
Academic dishonesty is a serious offense against the college. Sanctions for academic dishonesty are assigned by an academic review board and may include failure on the assignment, failure in the course, or suspension or expulsion from the College.
While Colby College is supportive of athletic participation by its students, academics takes priority over athletics. Both NCAA and Colby rules prohibit missing class for practices. In the case of overlapping commitments between class and athletic competitions, the student must meet with the professor as soon as possible to discuss these overlaps. The student may request permission to miss class and make up the missed work; the instructor has final authority either to grant or to withhold permission
Colby College prohibits and will not tolerate sexual misconduct or gender-based discrimination of any kind. Colby is legally obligated to investigate sexual misconduct (including, but not limited to sexual assault and sexual harassment).
If you wish to speak confidentially about an incident of sexual misconduct, please contact Colby Counseling Services (207-859-4490) or the Director of the Gender and Sexual Diversity Program, Emily Schusterbauer (207-859-4093).
Students should be aware that faculty members are considered responsible employees; as such, if you disclose an incident of sexual misconduct to a faculty member, they have an obligation to report it to Colby’s Title IX Coordinator. “Disclosure” may include communication in-person, via email/phone/text, or through class assignments.
To learn more about sexual misconduct or report an incident, visit http://www.colby.edu/sexualviolence/.