Writining math in RMarkdown
- There are two ways of writing math in R, either inline or displayed.
In-line is used when you want to write math that is simple and short,
like if I wanted to write, \(C = \tau
r\), as the circumference of a circle in relation to its radius.
To write inline, use two dollar signs and write the math in the middle;
$C = \tau r$
gives you what I just typed. In display
mode, you will create a line break, which you use for more complex and
important math; e.g., \[a^2 + b^2 =
c^2\]. To write math in display mode, you use two dollar signs;
e.g., $$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$$
. For different symbols, letters,
etc. see the Resources page on
the course website and follow the link to \(\LaTeX\).
- Tell me about your three favorite equations in-line and make sure
that you include them.
- Using the \(\LaTeX\) guide as a
reference, write the three logistic models from the quiz. Separate lines
and, to align the equations, use
after the first pair of dollar signed and
before the second pair of dollar signed and
put an &
before each equals sign to align them, so they
look something like this: \[
\frac{\mathrm{d}N}{\mathrm{d}t} & = N\left(r - \alpha N\right) \\
\frac{\mathrm{d}N}{\mathrm{d}t} & = rN\left(\frac{K - N}{K}\right)
\frac{\mathrm{d}N}{\mathrm{d}t} & = rN\left(1 - \alpha N\right)
\] So now you have it—you can write math using RMarkdown!
Making graphs in R
- Before we proceed in making graphs, I want to note that you are free
to use any method that you choose, but I would prefer that you use
, etc. to make graphs in this course because (1) what
you learn in base R is transferable but specialized packages like
are not and (2) although there is no plotting in
base R that I cannot do (feel free to test this out) I cannot say the
same about ggplot()
and the rest of the tidy
Onward: making plots in R is fundamentally simple. The three steps you
need for 2-dimensional graphs (i.e., have a horizontal and vertical
axis) are: (1) create a vector of numbers representing your \(x\) variable, (2) plug \(x\) into an equation, and (3) plot it using
plot(x = , y = )
where you plug in the names of your \(x\) and \(y\) variables. That’s really it.
Let’s try this by plotting a quadratic function. If I create a sequence
of values of a variable \(x\), like
x_vec <- seq(from = -5, to = 5, length.out = 10)
make \(y\) a function of \(x\), like
y_vec <- 0.5*x_vec^2 + 0.1*x_vec - 2
. When I plot,
plot(x = x_vec, y = y_vec, type = "l", las = 1)
, I
Make this plot.
- I want you to make a couple more plots. First, choose one of your
favorite equations from above and plot it in this way. Make sure you
make the
argument within the sequence of \(x\) values longer than just 10: try
whatever makes it sufficiently smooth like 100, 1,000, or 10,000.
Second, I want you to add 3 additional curves onto a new graph of your
favorite equation. For each of the three curves, vary a parameter. For
instance, if I use the quadratic function from above, I would plot it
and change, say, the coefficient of \(x^2\). To add this to your plot, use the
function. Change the color of the curve just to
tell the difference between them; e.g.,
x_vec <- seq(from = -5, to = 5, length.out = 100)
y_vec <- 0.5*x_vec^2 + 0.1*x_vec - 2
y_vec1 <- 1*x_vec^2 + 0.1*x_vec - 2
y_vec2 <- 2*x_vec^2 + 0.1*x_vec - 2
y_vec3 <- 4*x_vec^2 + 0.1*x_vec - 2
par(mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 0.1, 0.1)) # sets the whitespace on the bottom, left, top, right
plot(x = x_vec, y = y_vec, type = "l", las = 1, xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
lines(x = x_vec, y = y_vec1, col = "red")
lines(x = x_vec, y = y_vec2, col = "#0000FF") # You can use hex codes
lines(x = x_vec, y = y_vec3, col = "gold")
Visualizing density dependence
- Since the beginning of this course includes learning a programming
language (R), then I hope you will excuse this problem set for being
very R/skills forward. For this last question, it will be doing things
you’ve done above, but with logistic equations.
- First, plot a time series of the logistic equation. Use any
parameter values that you like and use either the \(r\)-\(K\)
or \(r\)-\(\alpha\). In lab this week you have already
created and plotted a time series, so modify your code (hint).
- Second, make two plots of your same logistic equation (see last
week’s key on how to make plots side-by-side), but where you have the
population growth rate on a vertical axis and the per-capita growth rate
on the other axis, with both having density on the horizontal axis. This
is just like the quiz. But also remember you are not integrating and
just plotting some function like what you did in the previous
- Last, recreate parts of the Figure 5.12 from Stevens link.
Choose a value of \(r_d\) that gives
you asymptotic stability, oscillations (damped or perpetual), and chaos.
Use the numerical solver you used in a. above, but in the
function, write the argument
method = "iteration"