Please place your name(s) in the upper-right corner.
vec <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
multiply it by 6, then save it
in the empty vector
empty_vec <- rep(x = NA, times = length(vec))
. Coefficient | Meaning |
\(\clubsuit\) | Death rate of predators |
\(\heartsuit\) | Capture/attack rate of predators removing prey |
\(\spadesuit\) | Conversion rate of attacked prey to predators |
\(\diamondsuit\) | Intrinsic rate of growth of prey |
For the equation above, please find the equilibria for each each
equation, separately. Note that now that we have 2 variables, \(\Omega\) and \(\alpha\), when you find equilibria for
each, that we want the values of either variable that make the rate of
change equal to 0.
For the equilibria you found for \(d\Omega /dt = 0\), plot them on the left plot. For the equilibria you found for \(d\alpha /dt = 0\), plot them on the right plot.