class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Density dependent change ] .author[ ### Christopher Moore ] --- # Creating a density-dependent model, au Français  --- # Creating a density-dependent model, translated *If `\(p\)` is the population, then `\(dp\)` is an infinitesimally small increase that is received in a very short period of time `\(dt\)`. If the population increase by geometric progression, we would have the equations `\(\frac{dp}{dt} = mp\)`. However, as the rate of population growth is slowed by the very increase in the number of inhabitants, we must subtract from `\(mp\)` an unknown function of `\(p\)`, so that the formula to be integrated can be written as* `$$\frac{dp}{dt} = mp - \varphi (p)$$` *The simplest hypothesis that can be made on the form of the function `\(\varphi\)` is to suppose that `\(\varphi (p) = np^2\)`.* --- # The logistic model: a balance of forces Most generally, we wish model population growth with two functions that capture two biological phenomena, growth and crowding. -- `$$\frac{\Delta N}{\Delta t} = f(N),$$` with `\(f(N)\)` describing growth and crowding: -- `$$f(N) = \text{growth} - \text{crowding}.$$` -- Let growth be `\(rN\)` and crowding be `\(\alpha N^2\)`, to give us `$$\frac{\Delta N}{\Delta t} = rN - \alpha N^2$$` -- In continuous and discrete time the logistic equations are respectively: `$$\begin{align} \frac{dN}{dt} &= rN - \alpha N^2 \\ N_{t+1} &= \lambda N_t - \alpha N_t^2 \end{align}$$` --- # Births and deaths in the logistic model (I'm only describing continous time, but it's analagous in discrete time) A generalized way of writing a more mechanistic model of births and deaths into the logisitc model is respectively by the use of functions of `\(N\)`, `\(B(N)\)` and `\(D(N)\)`: -- `$$\frac{dN}{dt} = B(N) - D(N)$$` -- Let's say that both per-capita births and death rates linearly decrease as a function of density, `\(N\)`. So, we can write: -- `$$\frac{dN}{dt} = (bN - \mu N^2) - (dN - \nu N^2)$$` -- Linearity becomes clear when we write this as *per-capita* by dividing both sides by `\(N\)`: `$$\frac{1}{N}\frac{\mathrm{d}N}{\mathrm{d}t} = (b - \mu N) - (d - \nu N)$$` --- class: inverse, center, middle <a href=""><img src="" title="made at"/></a> --- # We have (a) model(s)—let's do all of the things! * Analyze it! * Simulate it * Solve it * Find equilibria (long-term behavior) * Determine stability (behavior if perturbed) * Visualize it! * Plot a time series * Plot population size `\((N)\)` and population growth `\(\left(\frac{dN}{dt}\right)\)` * Plot population size `\((N)\)` and per-capita growth `\(\left(\frac{1}{N}\frac{dN}{dt}\right)\)` --- # Analyze it!: simulation .pull-left[ Exactly what you did yesterday: <!-- --> ] -- .pull-right[ But also vary parameters (here, `\(r\)`): <!-- --> ] --- #Analyze it!: solve it For the `\(r\text{-}\alpha\)` logistic equation: `$$N(t) = \frac{rN(0)e^{rt}}{r + \alpha N(0)\left(e^{rt} - 1\right)}$$` -- For the `\(K\)` logistic equation: `$$N(t) = \frac{KN(0)e^{rt}}{K + N(0)\left(e^{rt} - 1\right)}$$` -- ** This will be the final analytical solution in this class 😥 ** --- #Analyze it!: finding equlibria The continuous logistic `$$\begin{align}\frac{\mathrm{d}N}{\mathrm{d}t} &= rN - \alpha N^2 \\ 0 &= rN - \alpha N^2 \\ 0 &= N\left(r - \alpha N\right) \\ N^* &= 0 \\ 0 &= r - \alpha N\\ \alpha N &= r \\ N^* &= \frac{r}{\alpha} \end{align}$$` --- #Analyze it!: finding equlibria The discrete logistic `$$\begin{align} N_{t+1} &= \lambda N_t - \alpha N_t^2 \\ N_t &= \lambda N_t - \alpha N_t^2 \\ 0 &= \lambda N_t - \alpha N_t^2 - N_t \\ 0 &= N_t \left(\lambda - \alpha N_t - 1 \right) \\ N^* &= 0 \\ 0 &= N_t \left(\lambda - \alpha N_t - 1 \right) \\ 0 &= \lambda - \alpha N_t - 1 \\ \alpha N_t &= \lambda - 1 \\ N^* &= \frac{\lambda - 1}{\alpha} \end{align}$$` --- # Analyze it!: perturbation Perturb the equilibira! Actually, we'll cover more of this in Ch. 4, *Dynamics.* --- # Visualize it!: time series ```r logistic <- function(t, y, p) { N <- 1.5*y - 0.15*y^2 return(list(N)) } out <- ode(y = 0.01, times = seq(0, 10, 0.01), parms = NA, func = logistic) par(mar = c(4, 4, 0.1, 0.1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) plot(x = out[,1], y = out[,2], las = 1, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Density (N)", type = "l", lwd = 2) ``` <!-- --> --- # Visualize it!: population growth and density ```r logistic <- function(t, y, p) { N <- 1.5*y - 0.15*y^2 return(list(N)) } out <- ode(y = 0.01, times = seq(0, 10, 0.01), parms = NA, func = logistic) par(mar = c(4, 4, 0.1, 0.1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) len.out <- nrow(out) plot(x = out[1:(len.out-1),2], y = (out[2:len.out,2] - out[1:(len.out-1),2]), las = 1, xlab = "Density (N)", ylab = "Population growth (dN/dt)", type = "l", lwd = 2) ``` <!-- --> --- # Visualize it!: per-capita growth and density ```r logistic <- function(t, y, p) { N <- 1.5*y - 0.15*y^2 return(list(N)) } out <- ode(y = 0.01, times = seq(0, 10, 0.01), parms = NA, func = logistic) par(mar = c(4, 4, 0.1, 0.1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) len.out <- nrow(out) plot(x = out[1:(len.out-1),2], y = (out[2:len.out,2] - out[1:(len.out-1),2])/out[1:(len.out-1),2], las = 1, xlab = "Density (N)", ylab = "Per calita growth (dN/dt/N)", type = "l", lwd = 2) ``` <!-- --> --- # Discrete-time density dependence -- Hassel (also Bleasdale and Nedler) model: `$$N_{t+1} = \frac{\lambda N_t}{\left(1 + \alpha N_t\right)^b}$$` -- Beverton and Holt (same as Hassel when `\(b = 1\)`): `$$N_{t+1} = \frac{\lambda N_t}{\left(1 + \alpha N_t\right)}$$` -- The Ricker equation: `$$N_{t+1} = N_t \exp\left(r\left(1 - bN_t\right)\right)$$` --- # Analyze it!: simulation .pull-left[ Choosing the Hassell model: <!-- --> ] -- .pull-right[ But also vary parameters (here, `\(b\)`): <!-- --> ] --- # Analyze it!: solve it and find equilibria 1. No analytical solutions 2. We can find equilibira for some! - For discrete-time equations, set `\(N_{t + 1} = N^*\)` and `\(N_t = N^*\)`, and solve for `\(N^*\)` - E.g., `$$\begin{align} N_{t+1} &= \frac{\lambda N_t}{1 + \alpha N_t} = \\ N^* &=\frac{\lambda N^*}{1 + \alpha N^*} \\ N^* &= 0,~\text{Equilibrium 1} \\ 1 &= \frac{\lambda}{1 + \alpha N^*} \\ 1 + \alpha N^* &= \lambda \\ \alpha N^* &= \lambda - 1 \\ N^* &= \frac{\lambda - 1}{\alpha},~\text{Equilibrium 2}\\ \end{align}$$` --- # Analyze it!: perturb equilibira Again, more on this in a few weeks. --- # Visualize it!: time series ```r Hassell <- function(t, y, p) { Nt <- y lambda <- p["lambda"] alpha <- p["alpha"] b <- p["b"] Nt1 <- lambda*Nt/((1 + alpha*Nt)^b) return(list(Nt1)) } Hassell.parms <- c(lambda = 1.5, alpha = 2, b = 0.5) out <- ode(y = 0.01, times = seq(0, 25, 1), parms = Hassell.parms, func = Hassell, method = "iteration") par(mar = c(4, 4, 0.1, 0.1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) plot(x = out[,1], y = out[,2], las = 1, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Density (N)", type = "p", lwd = 2, pch = 16) segments(x0 = out[,1][-nrow(out)], y0 = out[,2][-nrow(out)], x1 = out[,1][-1], y1 = out[,2][-nrow(out)], lwd = 2) ``` --- # Visualize it!: time series <!-- --> --- # Visualize it!: population growth and density ```r Hassell <- function(t, y, p) { Nt <- y lambda <- p["lambda"] alpha <- p["alpha"] b <- p["b"] Nt1 <- lambda*Nt/((1 + alpha*Nt)^b) return(list(Nt1)) } Hassell.parms <- c(lambda = 1.5, alpha = 2, b = 0.5) out <- ode(y = 0.001, times = seq(0, 40, 1), parms = Hassell.parms, func = Hassell, method = "iteration") Hassell.out <- out[-1,2] - out[-nrow(out),2] plot(x = out[1:(nrow(out)-1),2], y = Hassell.out, las = 1, xlab = "Density (N)", ylab = bquote("Population growth N"[t+1]-"N"[t]), type = "l", lwd = 2) ``` --- # Visualize it!: population growth and density <!-- --> --- # Visualize it!: per-capita growth and density ```r Hassell <- function(t, y, p) { Nt <- y lambda <- p["lambda"] alpha <- p["alpha"] b <- p["b"] Nt1 <- lambda*Nt/((1 + alpha*Nt)^b) return(list(Nt1)) } Hassell.parms <- c(lambda = 1.5, alpha = 2, b = 0.5) out <- ode(y = 0.001, times = seq(0, 40, 1), parms = Hassell.parms, func = Hassell, method = "iteration") Hassell.out <- (out[-1,2] - out[-nrow(out),2])/out[-1,2] plot(x = out[1:(nrow(out)-1),2], y = Hassell.out, las = 1, xlab = "Density (N)", ylab = bquote("Population growth N"[t+1]-"N"[t]/"N"[t]), type = "l", lwd = 2) ``` --- # Visualize it!: per-capita growth and density <!-- -->